Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Daddy Red

Yes!!!! Red is a father. He has 4 children. 2 boys and 2 girls. Dakota the mom is black. So 2 of the puppies look like her(one girl and one boy) and the other 2 started out red but now they are more brindle colored(brown and black). The little boy has a red head though. Yes we will be getting one. I think we are going to get the black male. Last night Juanita brought them over so Lovella and Corky could see them and Red got mad at me and hid. Most of the night he ignored me. He would sniff them but that was it. They whinned and he backed away. So it is going to be an adjustment to life for him. Ari was not at all intrested in any part of them.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Read of the Month

I just got me another book to read. This happens to be the read of the month for July. It is called my sister's keeper. I decided I wanted to read the book before I saw the movie so any of you who have seen the movie don't tell me about it until I am finished. So far I like the book it is going to be a tissue book I can already tell and I am only on chapter 3. Why do I read sad books????
I also just finished two Evonivich books. Naughty Neighbor and Grand Finale. Now I am looking for her books 1, 2, 3 etc. So I think I will be reading for a while unless I get burned out. It makes my mind stop thinking of work.


Well I am a little behind on writing. We went to the wonderful land of DISNEYLAND July 13-17. We went with Trebs brother and family. I will never get enough of this place. The plaque that hangs above the arch going into Disneyland is one of my favorite. This states everything you need to know and entitles you to become a child again. Of course that is not hard for Treb or I to do. The fireworks were breath taking as always and the new surprise is Dumbo flies in the fireworks. Yes I was like a child clapping and pointing. Well what do you expect from me???

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gulf of Mexico

We went out with Wendell and his friends on the pontoon boat into the Gulf. We had an awesome time. Danneel caught the biggest fish 14 3/4 inches it had to be 15 inches to be kept so back to the water it went. I did not catch any. I just fed them. Today Treb went fishing again. Danneel and I have had enough fishing so we stayed with Dad and Aunt Audrey, Uncle Dan and Aunt Betty (Elizabeth). Treb and Wendell will have more fun then having to bait our lines all day long.